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Pronunciation gozaru Meaning /Usage Used to be used by samurais and ninja. Now you here this only in drama or anime. Examples 拙者の名は半蔵でござる。 せっしゃのなは、はっとりでござる。 My name is Hattori. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >>

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Pronunciation deska / desuka Meaning /Usage noun / adjective + ですか。 Almost same as ですか? (ending with “?”). However, without “?”, it can be a non-question sentence often used as a response. Examples 「あの銀行はもう閉まってますよ」「ああ、そうですか」 「あのぎんこうはもうしまってますよ」「ああ、そうですか」 “The bank is closed already”

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Pronunciation ka Meaning /Usage Usually used in a question sentence. Also used when you find out something. (kind of talking to yourself) Examples 出身はどこですか? しゅっしんはどこですか? Where are you from? 明日、祝日だったのか あした、しゅくじつだったのか (I didn’t know that) tomorrow is a national holiday.

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Pronunciation kashira Meaning / Usage “I wonder… ” Same usage as かな. Sounds feminine. Few guys use this. You see this quite often in novels or mangas, but you don’t hear it often in real life. Examples 鈴木さん、もう昼ご飯食べたのかしら。 すずきさん、もうひるごはんたべたのかしら。 I

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Pronunciation kamo Meaning / Usage maybe, might Examples 明日、パーティー行けるかも。 あした、パーティーいけるかも。 I might be able to come to the party tomorrow. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart Impolite ・★・・・ Polite Informal ・★・・・ Formal Macho

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Pronunciation kayo Meaning / Usage noun + かよ。 Used for a negative surprise. Implies that you didn’t expected the result. Examples あいつ、また遅刻かよ。 あいつ、またちこくかよ。 That guy is late again. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >>

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Pronunciation koto Meaning /Usage Verb + こと。 Often used in a task list or a warning message. Typical “written word” gobi. Examples この公園ではサッカーをしないこと。 このこうえんではさっかーをしないこと。 Do not play soccer in this park. あしたお得意様に電話すること。 あしたおとくいさまにでんわすること。 Call the client tomorrow. More examples on

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Pronunciation shi Meaning /Usage In a proper grammar, this is used as a conjunction (means “and”), but it is a common gobi in a regular conversation. Often used when you add explanation after you say something. Examples あのひと、モデルみたいだね。細いし、背も高いし。 あのひと、もでるみたいだね。ほそいし、せもたかいし。 That

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