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Pronunciation Ja Meaning /Usage Same meaning as だ Often used by elderly people in a story. Also common in many dialects such as Hiroshima dialect. Examples わしがこの村の村長じゃ。 わしがこのむらのそんちょうじゃ。 I am the mayor of this village. お前のことが好きなんじゃ! おまえのことがすきなんじゃ! I like (love)

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Pronunciation jaken Meaning /Usage Hiroshima dialect gobi for だから Used when you explain something. Examples 「なんでそんな話し方なの?」「広島出身じゃけん」 「なんでそんなはなしかたなの?」「 ひろしましゅっしんじゃけん」 “Why do you talk like that?” “Because I’m from Hiroshima.” More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart Common in Hiroshima. Written

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Pronunciation janaika Meaning / Usage noun/adjective + じゃないか。 Usually used for a positive opinion to the other person. Examples 旅行しながら仕事するなんて、最高じゃないか。 りょこうしながらしごとするなんてさいこうじゃないか。 Working while traveling? That is great! More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart

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Pronunciation janai? Meaning / Usage “Isn’t it?” “Don’t you think so?” Used for a question. If you don’t use the question mark, it becomes a negative sentence. See じゃない Examples あの人、性格良さそうじゃない? あのひと、せいかくよさそうじゃない? He (or she) seems nice, don’t you think?

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Pronunciation jan Meaning / Usage Used to let the other person know what you think. Very common gobi especially in the east. Very casual version of ですね or ますね. Examples 大丈夫? すげえ眠そうじゃん。 だいじょうぶ? すげえねむそうじゃん。 Are you ok? You look really sleepy. その赤いドレス、かわいいじゃん。

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Pronunciation ze Examples あいつの家、すげえデカいぜ。 あいつのいえ、すげえデカいぜ。 His (her) house is unusually huge. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Note Used to make the sentence sound macho. Although you here this often in manga, not so

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Pronunciation tai Meaning /Usage Verb + たい。 “want to do” Examples 来週末までに、世界を征服したい。 らいしゅうまつまでに、せかいををせいふくしたい。 I want to conquer the world by next weekend. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart Impolite ・★・・・ Polite Informal ・★・・・

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Pronunciation da Meaning / Usage Short version of です. Very common for written articles. In a conversational form, often used as “noun + だ。” Examples 京都は日本の有名な観光地だ。 きょうとはにほんのゆうめいなかんこうちだ。 Kyoto is a famous sight-seeing city in Japan. あ、本田さんから電話だ。 あ、ほんださんからでんわだ。 Oh, I got

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