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Pronunciation naito Meaning / Usage “I must… ” “You must…” Conversational version of なければならない Same usage as なきゃ。 Examples あ、もう帰んないと。 あ、もうかえんないと。 Oh, I have to go. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart Impolite

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Pronunciation no Meaning / Usage Usage 1. Means “object” or “thing”. Usage 2. Short version of のです or んです In this usage, the sentence can sound cute/feminine depending on the context. Examples Usage 1. 「そのビール、お前の?」 「うん、俺の。」 「そのびーる、おまえの?」 「うん、おれの。」 “Is that beer

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Pronunciation Extend the last vowel. Meaning / Usage This makes the sentence informal. May add cuteness. Examples お腹すいたよー。なんか食べたいなー。 おなかすいたよー。なんかたべたいなー。 I’m hungry. I wanna eat something. Chart Impolite ・★・・・ Polite Informal ★・・・・ Formal Macho ・・★・・ Cute Written ・・・・★ Spoken Uncommon ・・・★・

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Pronunciation wan Meaning /Usage Used when a dog speaks in cartoons or children’s books. “ワン” or “ワンワン” are used as the sound of dog’s bark. Examples 散歩に連れて行ってほしいワン! さんぽにつれていってほしいワン! I want you to take me for a walk! More examples on

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Pronunciation mon Meaning /Usage Verb / Adjective + もん。 Showing your will or opinion. Examples 学校行かなくても、一人で勉強できるもん。 がっこういかなくても、ひとりでべんきょうできるもん。 Even if i don’t go to school, I can study by myself. Chart Impolite ・★・・・ Polite Informal ・★・・・ Formal Macho ・・・★・ Cute Written

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Pronunciation teyo Meaning /Usage Verb + てよ。 Used when you casually order/ask someone to do something. Examples なんにでもマヨネーズかけるのやめてよ。 なんにでもまよねーずかけるのやめてよ。 (Please) Stop putting mayonnaise on everything. More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search (live) >> Chart Impolite ・★・・・

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Pronunciation janai Meaning / Usage Noun + じゃない Verb + じゃない (Order not to do something) Adjective + じゃない (just mean “isn’t it?”) When it is used for a negative sentence, It negates the preceding part. Casual version of ではない

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Pronunciation nyan Meaning / Usage Use this to make you sound cute by trying to sound like a cat (!!) You hear this in mangas, but not in real life. Examples お腹すいたにゃん。 おなかすいたにゃん。 I’m hungry. More examples on Twitter search

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