Pronunciation reba Meaning /Usage Verb + れば? “Maybe you should do this” Although it literally means, “what if you do this”, it is used as a recommendation or an advice. Examples そんなに眠いならもう寝れば? そんなにねむいならもうねれば? If you are so sleepy, maybe you…
Pronunciation reba Meaning /Usage Verb + れば? “Maybe you should do this” Although it literally means, “what if you do this”, it is used as a recommendation or an advice. Examples そんなに眠いならもう寝れば? そんなにねむいならもうねれば? If you are so sleepy, maybe you…
Pronunciation royo Meaning /Usage verb + ろよ。 Used when you order someone what to do. The ending よ makes it less direct, but it’s still very rude to use this to someone who’s not close to you. This is used…
Pronunciation wayo Meaning / Usage This is often used when you tell someone a fact, your opinion or advice. See よ Sounds very feminine. Examples 晩ご飯できたわよ! ばんごはんできたわよ! Dinner is ready! More examples on ALC dictionary >>More examples on Twitter search…